应用 现在



Student veterans are required to sign up for eBenefits through the VA for Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits and submit a copy of the eligibility page to the E世博ESBALL Office of 退伍军人服务 in order to be certified. 未能提交副本将延迟退伍军人学生索赔的认证.

If you are considered an out-of-state student, you will be responsible for nonresident fees. 9/11之后,州外费用将不予支付. 有关居住的信息,请联系e世博官方网站和记录.

如果你在9/11后的gi法案下, 请记住,你必须在至少7个单位或更多接收每月BAH. 如果你的认证是6个单位或更少, 学费和杂费将被支付,你将不会获得任何BAH.

Post 9/11 GI Bill coverage pays the actual net cost for in-state tuition and fees after the application of any waiver, 奖学金, 援助, or assistance (other than loans and Pell) provided directly to the institution and specifically designated for the sole purpose of defraying tuition and fees. 底线是:如果退伍军人事务部支付你的费用,然后你得到BOGFW, 退伍军人事务部想要回它支付的费用.

如果你在9/11后的退伍军人法案下, health and transportation fees are covered; however, 可选费用不由VA支付. 可选费用包括:学生活动费、代表费和技术费. 你有责任自付这些费用, 或联系商务办公室申请豁免.

E世博ESBALL服兵役的学分, 学生必须出示出院文件(DD-214), E世博ESBALL退伍军人服务办公室的成员. 学生必须有 至少服过一年的现役,一般退役. The student veteran will receive 6 units that will meet the Area "F" (Self Integration and Physical Education) requirement for an Associate's Degree. 

E世博ESBALL grants elective credit for successful completion of non-collegiate instruction (military or civilian) appropriate to the Associate's Degree that has been recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE).

被考虑记入军事训练的学分, 学生必须完成至少12个单元,平均成绩不低于2分.E世博ESBALL0分或以上. The student must request official Joint Transcripts to be sent to E世博ESBALL 退伍军人服务 Office and submit a Request for Military Training Evaluation to the Office of 退伍军人服务.

欲了解更多信息,请联系退伍军人服务办公室 (530) 895-2566.

Butte大学生退伍军人 目前收到 《E世博ESBALL》适用于以下任何一章 不需要自我报告 并将自动收到优先注册: 第30、31、33、1606、1607章和VRAP.

E世博ESBALL Students not receiving GI Bill benefits must self-report to be considered for priority registration.


  • 你现在有申请E世博ESBALL入学的文件吗.
  • 完成评核测试.
  • 参加E世博ESBALL迎新会.
  • 退伍军人:必须提交他们的DD表格214副本(成员4副本), 以光荣的, 一个通用的, or other than honorable discharge) to the Office of 退伍军人服务 and request priority registration.
  • Active duty or state reservist: must show their military ID to the Office of 退伍军人服务.

*关于时间线的说明: You must request priority registration at the Office of 退伍军人服务 at least one month prior to registration for the next academic term. 这项政策适用于所有退伍军人, 现役军人, 预备役人员, 符合上述条件的国民自卫军.

The VRC was established spring 2008 to serve E世博ESBALL's Student 退伍军人 by offering them the support and assistance they need to navigate the often murky waters of transition into the civilian world. 随着从海外战场归来的退伍军人人数不断增加, our goal is to help them complete their education or continue on to additional levels of academia. 为此目的, 并协助退伍军人的日常生活, the VRC staff connects 退伍军人 with existing community services and advocates for the development of new services to meet the growing need. 退伍军人资源中心提供的服务包括:

  • 退伍军人教育福利信息
  • 接触学术顾问
  • 伤残退伍军人补偿信息
  • 同伴支持和指导
  • 印刷、复制、 & 传真
  • 转介到校园资源
  • 经济援助信息 & 申请援助
  • 休息区与沙发,互联网,咖啡,和学习桌

退伍军人资源中心位于E世博ESBALL主校区摆动空间C. 我们的工作人员由曾经或正在就读于E世博ESBALL的退伍军人组成, 他们会用共同经历所产生的同理心和尊重来对待他们的同伴. Already our staff has met with 退伍军人 seeking help with such serious issues as Traumatic Brain Injury, 创伤后应激障碍, 及药物滥用. 我们能够指导这些人获得适当的社区资源. VRC的工作人员也作为退伍军人和学院之间的联络人, 为那些需求可能得不到满足的人提供发言权. 所有退伍军人都是受欢迎的,可以期待得到专业的服务, 有礼貌, and compassionate support in pursuit of their educational or vocational goals at E世博ESBALL.

退伍军人资源中心是退伍军人服务办公室的延伸. 服务的扩展取决于可用的资源.

The law requires that educational assistance benefits to veterans and other eligible persons be discontinued when the student ceases to make satisfactory progress toward completion of his or her training objective.

The policy of the Office of 退伍军人服务 is to provide guidance and to ensure students maintain consistent progress towards an approved educational goal. Schools are required by law to have and enforce standards of progress and conduct in order for their school to be approved for VA benefits. It is the responsibility of all VA educational 援助 recipients to understand the terms and conditions of the 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) 政策 in order to maintain eligibility for 援助.

SAP的评估有三个标准:1. 最低累积平均绩点(GPA)为2.02. 每学期至少完成50%的课程. 学生的学习进度在每学期结束时进行审查. Under this policy it is possible that a veteran or dependent's VA educational benefits could be suspended due to unsatisfactory progress while they are still technically in a probationary status with the College and allowed to continue in attendance.


是否将该状态分配给未完成SAP的学生. A student on WARNING status will receive email notification that they may continue to receive 援助. 警告状态不需要上诉或其他学生行动.

在警告学期结束时, 学生应该达到满意的学术进步标准. Students who fail to make SAP by the end of the WARNING semester will be notified by email about their probation status for VA benefits. 由E世博ESBALLVA认证官员自行决定, 学生可能会被留校察看,并继续享受福利. 如果被批准试用, the student will be required to sign a Probation Agreement which outlines the terms and conditions that must be met for the student to maintain eligibility. The Probation Agreement must be in place before certification of benefits will be filed with the 退伍军人 Administration for subsequent terms.

Is only assigned to a student who has failed to meet SAP standards after a probationary term. Students will be placed on "学术悬挂" and educational benefits will be discontinued.

学生可以重新获得教育福利的资格, 在被勒令休学之后, under the following circumstances: Student must complete at least one term un援助ed in which the following conditions are met:

  • 至少完成6个单元,成绩为2.无资助学期平均绩点0分;
  • 在独立学习期间完成至少50%的课程.

Students whose educational benefits have been reinstated after suspension may receive benefits on a probationary status. 然而, those students must continue to show progress during that probationary semester by completing at least 50% of units and improving the overall cumulative grade point average (if previously below a 2.0).


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